Chapter 12 – Humans
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In the Great Jura Forest, four humans are being chased by three Giant Red Ants, as they are about be chased away, One Hobgoblin jumped forward and sliced the body of the Giant Red Ant, and two other Hobgoblins sliced the heads of remaining two Giant Red Ants, at the same time.

One of the human who is wearing a mask became alert by seeing the three hobgoblins killing the Giant Red Ants in a single move, the masked human readied herself as the Hobgoblins are monsters they might attack them,

Seeing the masked human in defending position, one of the Hobgoblin who seems to be their leader spoke "Rest easy we are not going to fight you, our master wants you to come to our village"

As the Hobgoblins saved their lives from the Giant Red Ants, the humans agreed to come to the Hobgoblin village, but seeing what happened next shocked them to the core.

As they were about to move to village, four Tempest Wolves emerged from the shadows of the Hobgoblins, and the Hobgoblins hopped on the Tempest Wolves, not caring about the shocking faces of the humans

Back to Emeric,

Soon after, four humans have arrived in our village, Me and Aniki went to meet the humans, I was quite curious about these humans, and Vajra kept an eye on them all the time, I can use the [God's Eye] on them but, these are humans we are talking about, we have to be very careful about them. I cannot watch over them all the time, that's why I tasked Vajra on this.

As we reached the tent where they were at, Rigurd and Rigur standing outside the tent

We heard a male voice from the tent "Hey, damn it! I wanted that meat!" and we heard other female voice "What a jerk, I raised that meat myself! You Know!!" and other male voice "Listen man! I won't yield when it comes to food!!"

I looked at Rigurd " I apologize… they said they were starving so I gave them food." Rigurd said 

"Hey, that's good...Helping those in need is a good thing!" said Aniki

"Yes Sir! Thank you very much! I dedicate myself to doing just that!" exclaimed Rigurd.

"Rimuru-sama. Emerica-sama..please go in.." said Rigur opening the curtain, Me, Rigurd, Aniki and Ranga and Vayu who is in his wolf form went inside, Vajra is already using his stealth skill and keeping an eye on them all the time. 

All of the humans are crazily munching their food like they never eaten food in their entire lives.

'These three?'

< < Answer. These are the same trio who you have encountered in the Veldora cave > >

'she is my destine one' said Aniki via family link

'oh is she is the one?' I asked

'Yes, but I didn't expect that I would see her soon..' said Aniki

'well..dream comes true I guess.'

'what's that supposed to mean!!' Aniki exclaimed

Just then Rigurd spoke "Guests, I fear we have very little to offer..are you comfortable here?" and he continued "Allow me to make introductions..Meet our Great Rulers Rimuru-sama and Emeric-sama"

One of the humans who have blonde hair exclaimed "These slimes are your rulers?" 

"You dare to disrespect our masters!!" Vayu and Ranga both growled in anger, even Rigur and Rigurd were angered by that comment

"Do you have a problem with slimes?" asked Aniki

"'m not meant to be any disrespectful, but I'm surprised to see slimes as rulers" said Awkwardly

"Nice to meet you..I'm Rimuru the slime..I'm not a bad slime.." said my stupid Aniki

For that joke out of all the members who is present in this tent, only the masked human laughed, and Aniki was quite surprised that she got that joke, well its not that surprising for me I know that she is Otherworlder when I used [God's Eye] on her, but what surprised me more that she has been bought to this world way before than us, then how did she get that joke I wonder

I also got two extra skills when I met those guys, those are [Fire Manipulation] and [Ice Magic], well [Ice Magic] has also been evolved into [Ice Manipulation]. And also one Unique Skill [Degenerate].





Its been three days since the humans arrived here, and they also introduced themselves, the one with the blonde hair is 'Kaval' and the other male is 'Gido' and the other female name is 'Eren' and the masked name is 'Shizu'.

There are two things which surprised me which are the girl whose name is 'Eren' she is not a human, she is an elf. I don't know for what reason she chose to hide her identity, I forgot about it as she doesn't want to harm us or anything. And the other one is whose name is 'Shizu' well apparently, she is hailed as hero who is called as 'Conqueror of flames', if anything happens, I can deal with her, that's not a problem.

And in the next in the morning Aniki is jumping happily and going to somewhere, I stumbled upon him when I was going to the training field and I asked Aniki "going to spend time with your girl again? Huh..?"

 "Shut up…" Aniki exclaimed while blushing and he asked "so how is the troops training going on?" 

I replied "yeah they are becoming strong, I have a new plan for them today, and I forgot today is the day the humans are going to leave the village right?" 

"Yes.." Aniki replied in somewhat sad mood, "Don't be sad, you will meet her again.....I guess?" I said. "That's not helping!" he exclaimed "Alright I'm going.." he said and left

And as I reached the training field, seeing me all of them regrouped and stood as the soldiers stand in front of their general

And I spoke "Everyone! I'm conducting a tournament for you this tournament will be all of your units combined, you might be fighting anyone from any unit. and commanders and captains cannot participate in this tournament, this is only for to test your strength and but killing is strictly prohibited. To win the fight there are three options:

One: Knock out your opponent , but no Killing as I said before

Two: Make your opponent to give up

Three: If your opponent is more wounded than you , you will win

Don't worry about getting wounded, we have healing potions, you will be healed in an instant, but I'm telling you again Killing is strictly prohibited. And no holding back in your fights. And the tournament begins in the next three days and I will fix the fights like who is going to fight whom, That's all….You can continue your training"

"Yes Sir!!" all of them shouted in unison.

And then Rigurd came and said "Emeric-sama the humans are about to leave the village, and Rimuru-sama asked you to come" 

"Alright, I will come then" I said

And tasked the commanders to oversee the training , "Vayu, you are coming with me" I said

"Yes My lord!" he said and changed back to his Wolf form and I hopped onto him and left the training field to give send off to the humans









A/N: I hope you like this chapter. I apologize for the delay in updating I have been very busy as I'm working in night shifts didn't have any time to update.

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Please forgive me if there is any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

Please drop reviews if you like this fic..

That's all... see you soon...

And I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart.

Maximum I will try to upload, if I feel too tired I may not be able to,

so please do not think this fic is dropped if you don't see any uploads in this week.

 Thank you. with this chapter we will be hitting 15,000 Words.