Chapter 11 – Rimuru’s Return
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Its been four days after I took Beru to our Village, I introduced him to everyone, he is always following me, its kind of weird to see a 3ft tall ant always following where ever you go, but surprisingly he hasn't evolved yet, he is still in his insect form, may be because of he is an Insect type monster

< < Answer. Named Unique Insect type Monsters would take time to Evolve. The longer time they take the more powerful they become > >


Our troops have also been improved not so drastically, one Hobgoblin can kill a platoon of Humans, without any magic used, what I'm talking about is pure physical strength and skill, If the humans trained in the same way for four days they cannot attain this much of strength or skill, surely strength of a monster, Imagine the strength my troops would achieve if they would be trained for months.

I was thinking about this while I was training my troops, just then I sensed Aniki he is coming near to the village entrance he came back home after Nine days, I tasked with the commanders to oversee the training and left to the village entrance to welcome Aniki, along with Aniki, there were four Dwarves and the obviously the Hobgoblins

After welcoming them, Me, Aniki and the Four Dwarves sat in a hut, which is like a meeting room, after everyone got seated, Aniki introduced me to the Dwarves.

"Everyone, This is Emeric my Younger Brother" Introduced me to them, and i obviously used [God's Eye] on them, All of them didn't have any ill intentions apart from one thing this Kaijin is completely loyal to his young, and now he swore to his loyalty to our village. I think I can get along with him.

"This is Kaijin, who is a renowned Blacksmith from the 'Armed Nation Dwargon' "Aniki Introduced

"Nice to meet you, Sir" he said, he nodded his head

"Nice to meet you too Kaijin" I said

"This is Garm, he is also a very highly skilled Black Smith and older brother of Dord and Myrd" Aniki Introduced

"Nice to meet you Sir Emeric" Garm said with a huge smile plastered on his face

"Nice to meet you too, Garm" I said

"This is Dord, he is also a very highly skilled Craftsman younger brother of Garm and older brother of Myrd" Aniki Introduced

"Nice to meet you, Sir" Dord said

"Nice to meet you too, Dord" I said

"This is Myrd, a renowned Builder and well versed with other Arts, he is the youngest of all of them" Aniki Introduced

he simply nodded his head

'He has a disability, I guess' I thought

After our introductions, Aniki narrated what happened in the village, Apparently Kaijin got exiled for beating up for a Minister name 'Vesta', as Kaijin got exiled, he came along with Aniki as Aniki looking for the Dwarves to help for our village development, As Kaijin choose to come to our Village, and Garm & his brothers followed Kaijin.

And I spoke "Kaijin, Garm and his brothers..Thank you for coming to our village for helping us in developing our village." And Kaijin Interjected "No, no I have to thank you two you and Rimuru-dono for taking us in when we got exiled"

And the conversation went on, and we decided on constructing the houses first, Myrd is charged with the Constructions, and Dord is helping him, as the weapons are already taken care of by me, so Kaijin and Dord is taking care of Clothing and Armors. They have given two days off before they start the work.

As the meeting concluded, Me and Aniki went on the hill top where we could see the entire village.

"So tell me how are you able to make clothes and train the soldiers?" Aniki asked

"Do you want to know..?" I asked

"hmm..hmm.." He replied

"Do you want to really want to know??" I asked again

"Yes..Yes.." He replied anxiously

"I used…I used..My skill..Sapient" I replied sarcastically

"You..Idiot!!!!!! Forget it I don't wanna know any more.." He screamed

" you really don't wanna to know??" I asked


"Alright..Alright..I will tell.." I said

"I don't believe you!" He replied

"Alright remember when I told you I was a big of medieval history and anime right?" I asked

"yes" he replied

"So then I asked Rigurd to bring a cloth, and analyzed it, I asked [Sapient] Medieval clothing and I recreated the Medieval Shirts and pants." I said

"why I didn't I get the Idea??" he thought out loud

"poor memory?" I said

"WHAT DID YOU SAY???" he shouted..

"Nothing..Nothing.." I said trying not to laugh

"so shall we go and see the troops?" I asked changing the topic

While we are going to the training field "How many goblins came here while I was away?" he asked

"Six Hundred..and I named all of them..and went to three days sleep mode.." I replied

And we reached the training field, seeing me and Aniki all of them stopped their training and regrouped

"Its like a I'm seeing a general and his army" Aniki commented

And I told him how I divided the troops accordingly and how I got the skills, including the Unique Skill [Warlord] and how I created a training module 

Aniki shocked and asked me "how much data you have in your mind??" and dodged the question by introducing Beru to him and the most funniest part turning into humanoid creature, he was shocked and said "I'm done.."'

Few weeks went like a breeze, our village also developed good when compared to our initial stages, and Beru haven't evolved yet.

our village troops strength have also been improved a lot, so does our weaponry their quality has also improved as they were made by Kaijin and they also got some nice armors, I made sure they wear them all the time when they are training so they will get used to it.

A week earlier, I assembled the all of my troops in the training field, I called some Hobgoblins specifically from the Archer Unit

"Goran, Gowan, Gosen, Goven"

A four Hobgoblins came forward.

"Sappho, Cleon, Hailen, Furia" I called the Tempest Wolves

Four Tempest Wolves came forward

"You will be assigned to a special team which is called as 'Survey Corps', your task is to scout deep into our village surroundings, if you find anyone who is coming to our village, analyze them and inform me and do not engage any direct confrontation with them, and your captain would be Goran. Got that??"

"Yes! Sir!" they all said in Unison

Like that four groups in Survey Corps, one group for one day, so that they don't miss in training

Yes, Training is must.

Two days later, while I was Training our troops, Gosen came kneeled and said "Emeric-sama, four humans are coming towards our village"

'humans…huh' "What is the situation?" I asked

"They are getting chased by Giant Red Ant.."

"Kill those Red ants, and lead them to our village, and most importantly keep an eye on them all the time, analyze their every moment.. and now go!'

"Vajra!" I called Vajra

"Yes, Sir!" he came before me

"When those humans come into our village, keep an eye on them…analyze their every movement and most important make sure you are unnoticed"

"Yes, Sir! as you command" he said and left

One I thing I haven't mentioned, which is I trained the Survey Corps and some of the Tempest Worgens in one more skill which is Stealth.









A/N: I hope you like this chapter.

Please forgive me if there is any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language

and I want your opinions on the story so far, please do comment, so that it would help me in developing the story further.

Please drop reviews if you like this fic..

That's all... see you soon...

And I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart.

and one more thing I may not be able to upload for the next two days or this entire week as I will be very busy with my office work, I will get very little time to work on this fic,

Maximum I will try to upload, if I feel too tired I may not be able to,

so please do not think this fic is dropped if you don't see any uploads in this week.

 Thank you. with the next chapter we will be hitting 15,000 Words.