Chapter 4 – Unknown call
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Lin Yun and An Ya are childhood friends.

They have been in the same class since they were very young and have become friends. An Ya is a lively and playful girl, so gender has not become an obstacle to their friendship. They have a very good relationship and are inseparable.

Later, as they grew up and entered adolescence, they began to realize the difference in their genders and their interaction became somewhat strange. Also, because they went to different schools after graduation, their relationship started to become distant.

Until one day, something happened that brought An Ya back into Lin Yun's life and turned everything upside down.

-An Ya became a magical girl.

She saved Lin Yun and the people around him from a sudden crisis and appeared before him like a resolute angel.

Powerful, persevering, beautiful.

The childhood playmate became unattainable, and the girl who used to be a tomboy in his memory was so different, even making him feel a little unfamiliar.

But An Ya was happy because she felt that she had a friend she could share secrets with, and this friend was her childhood friend who had become somewhat distant. The two of them became close again, killing two birds with one stone.

But being a magical girl is not an easy role. The number of brutal beasts in the city is increasing, becoming stronger and stronger, until one day, An Ya is no longer able to cope with the continuous enemies.

At that time, Lin Yun stepped forward, and thus, he also became a magical girl.

Later on, they encountered more companions and experienced more dangerous battles, but they persisted and eventually became heroes who saved the city.

In the end, Lin Yun, now an adult, gave up the power and identity of a magical girl and returned to an ordinary life.

It should have been ordinary, but it wasn't that ordinary after all, because his wife is a magical girl.

He married An Ya.

The two of them live a loving life, raising a cute daughter and enjoying the joy of family. Everything is as it should be. The hero who saved others from crisis has retired and returned to a peaceful and happy life.

It was supposed to be like this.

"But it should have been..."

In the crowded and busy morning, Lin Yun was squeezed in the crowd of the subway, looking out of the window with a numb face as usual.

It has been a week since he found out that his daughter became a magical girl.

Perhaps it was because he sincerely expressed his feelings that night after a long time, Lin Yun felt that the atmosphere between him and Lin Xiaolu had improved a little bit. At least when they were together at home, their daughter would symbolically glance at him instead of completely ignoring him like when their relationship was at its worst, treating him as if he were air.

In this way, it can be considered as a small step towards repairing their father-daughter relationship.

He was somewhat relieved.

As for the safety of his daughter as a magical girl, he chose to keep in touch with Hong Siyu and let her, as an official, keep an eye on her and prioritize Lin Xiaolu's safety.

Lin Yun also felt that Hong Siyu had some thoughts between them, so he took the initiative to contact her now, but he didn't mention this matter, which made him suspect that he was acting like a scumbag, trying to clarify this relationship.

However, Hong Siyu repeatedly denied it, saying that she couldn't remember what nonsense she said when she was drunk that day, and asked him not to take it seriously.

So this matter was put on hold.

As for what Lin Yun did after taking out the Flower of the Heart that night.

He wanted to try to transform.

The identity of a magical girl had long become a distant memory for him, and the feeling of fighting and even killing brutal beasts had long been forgotten. He could hardly remember what it felt like to fight.

Such thoughts unconsciously emerged in his mind.

In fact, although he had retired, strictly speaking, he had not completely lost the power of a magical girl. Whatever problems there were, at least he should still be able to transform.

However, that night, his attempt to transform failed.

When he touched the Flower of the Heart, he received no response.

The Flower of the Heart, covered in dust, remained unchanged like a true lifeless object.

This made Lin Yun unsure whether to be glad or worried.

He was glad because it seemed that he really had no power anymore, and many thoughts that had tormented him in his mind had somewhat dissipated. But he worried that he had lost his power and might not be able to help his daughter when she encountered an unsolvable crisis.

Therefore, he couldn't use the identity of a magical girl to tell his daughter certain things.

Yes, he once wanted to approach his daughter as a magical girl.

As a father, he couldn't tell her in person, and even if he did, she might not believe his words. But as a "senior magical girl," he had enough standing and reason to say it.

To tell her about the dangers of being a magical girl.

To tell her what this power means.

To tell her who the enemies are.

To tell her how to become stronger and better protect herself.

If these pieces of information were spoken by a senior magical girl, there would be no reason for his daughter not to take them seriously.He had so much he wanted to say to his daughter, but he didn't know how to start.

The silence of the Flower of the Heart made him abandon this idea.

Whether he had lost his power, or no longer qualified to be a Magical Girl, or for some other reason, none of these mattered anymore.

During this period, another Brutal Beast appeared in the city. Fortunately, Lin Xiaolu eliminated it without much trouble, and the subsequent damage was kept to a minimum.

The only thing that surprised Lin Yun was that unlike the previous television interview, the media's response to this Brutal Beast attack was sparse.

He didn't know whether it was due to the changing times, and the Bureau of Special Tactics of this era had started to take a low-key approach, or people's focus had shifted. In any case, although the appearance of Brutal Beasts in the city had become somewhat frequent, and there was a new Magical Girl, it didn't spark widespread discussion.

The previous television interview also sank like a stone after it was broadcast. Even the videos he found online were quickly replaced by new content on the television station's official website.

In his time as a Magical Girl, both the media and the public loved to put Magical Girls at the center of discussion.

With a myriad of thoughts in his heart, Lin Yun followed the crowd to the company and started another day of work.

The tasks were still familiar and tedious, but perhaps his mindset had changed, and he felt that his previous anxiety had been greatly reduced.

He was busy until noon. After finishing his work meal, Lin Yun, who was sitting in the office dealing with unfinished paperwork, suddenly received a phone call.

The incoming call displayed a strange number.

Although he didn't know who it was, he still pressed the answer key and put the phone to his ear:


All he got was a busy tone.

Frowning slightly, Lin Yun waited for two seconds and asked again:

"Hello? Who is this?"

"…Be careful."

"What did you say?"



"Be careful of the Brutal Beast tonight."

A single sentence made Lin Yun's eyes widen.

"What do you mean? Who are you?"

He couldn't help but ask, but after only saying this, there was no more sound on the other end of the call.

Soon, the "shh" noise turned into the busy tone of a disconnected call.