4. Demon Lord’s Vault.
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With measured steps, the First Elder headed straight for the Demon Lord’s fortress, where the new Tenth Demon Lord was staying, right after leaving the Hall. In his mind, he vividly recalled the changes he had heard from the Supreme Strategist and what he had witnessed about the vessel on that day. Something was definitely strange—or could he be overthinking it?

According to the Supreme Strategist, he had intentionally shown a lack of respect to observe the vessel possessed by the spirit of the Demon Lord. Yet, the emotion that flickered across the Tenth Demon Lord’s face was unmistakably bewilderment. Though the situation had ended with him rebuking his rudeness, the Supreme Strategist was relieved the ritual was successful from such a reaction.

However, the First Elder disagreed. According to ancient tales, the Tenth Demon Lord was known for his erratic nature and brutal ways. If he were truly the Tenth Demon Lord, it wouldn’t have ended with just a reaction. So, there was no way he could just be overthinking it. What he needed was proof. If she was indeed an experimental subject imitating the Tenth Demon Lord, she would inevitably show some flaw.

Just as the First Elder reached the Demon Lord’s fortress, an unexpected voice resounded from the entrance.

“Are you defying my orders now?”

“N-no, it’s not that… We just don’t have the authority to…”

“Is that so?” A crimson gaze and aura of superiority overwhelmed the atmosphere. “Who gave you the right to block my way? Was it Gnornthail Maggdra?”

“Well, that’s… We apologize to the Demon Lord.”

The one reprimanding the One-horned Demonic Guards stationed at the entrance of the fortress, now kowtowing in apology for their inability to obey her orders, was none other than the Tenth Demon Lord herself.

“What is going on here?”

Caught off guard, the First Elder rushed over and respectfully bowed to the Tenth Demon Lord.

“The First Elder greets the Tenth Demon Lord!”

It was at this point that the First Elder felt a chill creeping up his spine. Despite the fiery anger a moment ago, her current expression now bore an irritable rage.

“Demon Lord…?”

The First Elder’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down at the distorted expression on the girl’s face. It was rather scary not fully understanding what the Supreme Strategist meant by “Don’t call her Demon Lord…” However, his imagination of what was to come was even greater than his fears. Despite the sudden change in demeanor, the First Elder tried to remain and assess the situation.

“I apologize for my insolence, my Demoness. But may I ask if there’s an issue?”

“... Summon the Supreme Strategist. I need to speak with him directly.”

Supreme Strategist? The First Elder, still feeling uncomfortable by the brief chilling expression she emitted, was startled by her words. He quickly glanced at the guards, who were kowtowing beside him. As he received their murmured reports and looked up, he saw the Demoness’ face adorned with a sly smile.

“Not only did you call me a Demon Lord, when I’m in a female vessel, but you also had a very good secret meeting in front of me, First Elder?”

The First Elder felt goosebumps crawling all over his body. “T-that is…”

“No need to stammer. After all, this is so nostalgic. In the past, there was someone who also called me wrongly while rudely exchanging telepathic messages in my presence. His name was… hmm, I still can’t recall his pathetic name?”

Though the name wasn’t recalled, the First Elder, who remembered the well-known tale of the Tenth Demon Lord’s cruelty, knew the name of the man.

The Third Elder of a thousand years ago, Bruno Vabota. It was said that this man disrespected the Demon Lord by doing those deeds and had his tongue torn out and his arms and horns ripped off. Recalling this tale briefly made the First Elder’s face turn pale.

The Demoness continued to speak, savoring his reaction. “Did I really rip both his arms and his tongue out? That’s so boring.” Her smile widened into a sinister one. “I wonder what I will do this time…”


The First Elder swallowed dry spit.

“Will I gouge out your eyes? Or rip off your ears? Perhaps pull out all your long silk hair?”

Her face, which bore the dense yet amusing expression of committing these psychopathic acts, not only made the First Elder sweat buckets but also distorted his face in despair and terror of getting… bald at such a young age of 450 years.

Then, a landing sound resounded. It wasn’t heaven crashing to earth; it was the First Elder bashing his head in front of the Demoness in pure devotion and surrender. He began to plead for forgiveness. He doesn’t want to be bald so early in his lifetime. 

He refused that future. 

“I, the First Elder of the Demon Realm, beg for mercy and forgiveness from the Tenth Demoness.”

Unable to endure the hard crash, his forehead began to bleed. Even as blood seeped from his wound, the Demoness’ face remained indifferent.

“Begging for mercy and forgiveness… Does that mean you’re ready to lay down your life instead?”

“I-i u-um…” Hesitating to even speak, the First Elder darted his eyes around as he lay prostrated.

“Why would I waste my precious time taking your life? That would be boring, wouldn't it?”

At least that would be better than getting bald. 

Though her voice was cheerful, the First Elder looked up to see that the Demoness’ eyes weren’t smiling at all.

“Just a moment ago, I thought the discipline and strictness of the Demon Realm was about to crumble. But it seems there’s still some hope.”

“Th-thank you.” The First Elder said. His initial thought of proof was shattered. However, the next word from the Demoness was just as weighty.

“Good. Now, guide me to the Demon Lord’s Vault instantly.” She walked past them, the guards and the First Elder, who let out a sigh of relief.


It was an unexpected command. Who would anticipate the conversation suddenly veering to that? It was beyond the First Elder’s authority. Only two people in the Demon Realm had that authority. However…

“Why aren’t you coming?”

If it were the former First Elder, he would have naturally responded that he needed to report to the Supreme Strategist for approval to enter the Vault and urge the Demoness to please wait a moment. But, in a matter of a few minutes, things had already turned on their axis.

How could he say that when the little Demoness was already on his tail with every word he uttered? What made it worse was that her face was indifferent and calm as stagnant water, making it difficult to read her, and her overall gaze and aura showcased fierce finesse.

This was unmistakable proof of the Tenth Demon Lord’s, no, the Demoness’ current legendary disposition. Inwardly, the First Elder cursed, preferring to get scolded by the wrath of the Supreme Strategist than face this… Though the Supreme Strategist held significant power and influence, he was only a royal demon, a double rank higher than a one-horned demon like himself. At most, he’d face a scolding or punishment, or a few months in isolation or prison arrest. But with this Tenth Demoness, it would be eerily different.

Even if she lacked power now, the Demoness could, at any moment, order his death. And if she was truly the Tenth Demon Lord, she had the authority to enter the Demon Lord’s vault.

Finally convincing himself, the First Elder sprang to his feet and bowed to the Demoness.

“By your command, sacred one.”

— — — — — 

Monumental. Despite its plain, almost monotonous black rectangular shape, its sheer size was at least four times that of the Fortress they were in. Inside the prism, numerous spears made of neutral materialized demonic energy pierced through the exterior. These spears seemed to secure the Vault's valuables and illuminated the vast space with a soft 450-lumen glow.

“This is the Current Demon Lord’s Vault,” the First Elder announced as he opened the wide, seamless door that somehow had hinges. He had stationed the guards outside the Vault.

“...Indeed, quite humongous,” Delilah remarked indifferently.


“It’s quite different from what I remember.”

The First Elder nodded as if he understood her words. “That’s probably the case. The Tenth Demon Lord was active one thousand years ago.”

“So, are you saying no one was competent enough to take my spot as the strongest and lead the Demon Realm?” Delilah asked dismissively.

“Unfortunately, yes. The Monster’s Realm was completely annihilated in the Three Realm War nine hundred years ago. After your death, the Demon Realm closed its borders and didn't participate in the Hundred Years War. Peace reigned, and many things changed during that time. The Demon Lord’s Vault and Fortress were reconstructed about three hundred years ago, so it’s no wonder it seems different from your memories, sacred one.”

Delilah responded to the First Elder's lengthy explanation. “Then, why did you summon me?”

The sudden question startled the First Elder. “Pardon?” He looked down at her.

Delilah, who had been staring into the void, turned to the elder. “If the border of the Netherworld that leads to the Demon Realm is closed, why summon me from my slumber?”

In other words, what guts did you ingrates have to summon her, the strongest Demon Lord in existence, who had achieved all his dreams and ambitions, from my eternal slumber when there was nothing for her to do? No crisis.

The First Elder bowed in devotion. “Forgive my incompetence. We haven’t had the chance to explain everything to you yet.”

Silence pervaded the hall briefly as Delilah opened her cherry-red lips. “So, there’s more than meets the eye.”

“Yes. Although it’s a bit late, let me explain now. The Gate to the Demon Realm is now closed to external endeavors. However, the Demon Realm is stirring into chaos without the presence of the Demon Lord. This is happening slowly but surely.

“... go on.”

As Delilah listened, he continued. 

“A hundred years after the Demon Lord’s death, the Supreme Strategist, Vanstrilla, refused to inform the Netherworld of your passing. Although we prevented the outside world from knowing, the Netherworld had to be deceived as well. Otherwise, chaos, instability, crime, and destruction would ensue. Despite arguments from the First Elder, Supreme Strategist, Divine Healer, and Vice Lord, the news spread slowly, leading to kleptocracy. But since those four individuals passed their goals to their successors, we were able to summon you. Now that you, the Demon Lord, have returned, it's only a matter of time before order and law are restored in the Demon Realm.”

Inwardly, Delilah felt her ten-year-old head on the verge of burning out. The Elder attempted to appease her with flattery. Noting her slight change, he asked, “Is something troubling you, my lady?”

Quickly coming back to reality, Delilah responded, “...It’s nothing. A lot has happened. Just need time to process it all.”

“Very well. I’ve instructed the guards to stand by the entrance.”


Leaving the bowing First Elder behind, Delilah stepped further into the Demon Lord’s Vault.

— — — — —

Alone in the endless, wide corridor lit by luminescent spears of demonic energy scattered throughout, Delilah stood at the start of the passage, bombarded by the furious questions of the Demon Lords.

[What’s going on here? Only a thousand years have passed, yet so many absurdities have occurred. Or could I be mistaken?]

The Demon Lord glanced at Delilah for confirmation. She nodded, indicating that what he had heard was true.

[Damn it! Didn’t you hear what he said? The news of my death spread slowly, leading to kleptocracy and instability in our forces for the War against the other two realms. They decided to close the always-open Netherworld Gate to the Demon Realm from external endeavors and invaders. It was a smart yet risky move. Now, no one after my death could lead the Demon Realm…]

Indeed, Delilah never expected all these revelations. She was as shocked as he was. It seemed the demons had sent out disguises in search of a suitable vessel, passing through that crack. Of course, she had been knocked unconscious when brought here. She half-heartedly hallucinated about how secretive they were as they led her toward the secret dungeons.

[…And the most shocking part is that the Monster Realm has been rendered to ruins, with the monsters annihilated?]

“Are you saying it was strange that it happened?” Delilah asked.

[Not really. It was well-known that the Monster Realm overpopulated with different species and rarely intelligent, was doomed from the start of their existence.]

To the Demon Lord’s answer, Delilah sighed. “Then why are you so shocked by that news? Isn’t it great to have them gone?”

[Technically, yes. But realistically, no. Think about it. If it wasn’t the demons who annihilated them, then only two things might have happened. Either the monsters became intelligent and united, closing their borders when the Demon Realm did, or they were annihilated by humans in a direct confrontation.]

With the amount of information processing in her ten-year-old head, Delilah's gears began to ache. However, some influence seemed to slip into her mind. As if she had an epiphany, Delilah spoke, “From your expression, I guess you chose the latter, right?”

[Correct. So, the humans had someone or a group of people as strong as me, prepared to battle me if the chance arose. But since I was dead and war broke out, and the Demon Realm closed its borders, their action veered…]

Growing tired of the critical and genius-like thinking, Delilah interrupted the Demon Lord. “Yeah, whatever, think about that by yourself. My head hurts from all this stuff.”

Indeed, her head was steaming with dark smoke, and her brain gears needed lubrication. Too bad, she had just had breakfast. Anyways, the Demon Lord’s disbelief hinted at intrigue. Seeing his expression, Delilah couldn’t help but feel a similar curiosity.

“I wonder why there was no one in the Demon Realm who could replace you even after your death.”

At that, the Demon Lord snapped, reflecting on how weak and incompetent his descendants were. Even the question[Is the Netherworld cave for nurturing Demon Lord Candidate not active?] was hanging over his head. 

“Look, I get the fuss, but why don’t you ask your descendants?”

Considering how these horned lunatics had stooped so low, passing on their successors' plan to revive the dead into living people, Delilah didn’t intend to further understand their thoughts and reasons. All she wanted to do now was “Survive,” “Grow her strength and influence to survive better,” and “Find a way to get out of this damned place.”

In simpler terms, understanding insane demon bastards wasn’t in her plan. Wasting time pondering over it was a waste of brainpower, especially for a ten-year-old. Delilah let out a deep breath.

“Probably because they knew the forbidden spell. Sacrificing bodies and searching for a suitable and compatible vessel is more efficient, resource-saving, and reliable. Though it takes a lot of hard work, trial and error, and luck, it’s better than depending on fate and training hundreds of children in the hope of finding a needle in a haystack. So, why overthink it?”


The Demon Lord mused over Delilah’s explanation and wondered how this little girl was that smart. Could she be goofy when needed, or could it be that mysterious spirit slowly merging with her soul even more? His lips showed a faint smile, and he began floating again. Just what is the origin of that mysterious spirit?

The Demon Lord’s curiosity was stirring. 

Noticing that the case had been settled, Delilah spoke again. “Let’s focus on why we’re here now. Unlike you, I don’t have time to waste. Do we go this way?”

[Probably… the left path at the end of this one.]

The interior of the Demon Lord’s vault was more monotonous and dimly lit than expected. Each endless wide corridor had intermittently spaced doors and signs on one side.

[Let’s see… this is the Armory and behind that… the Potion room…]

After checking several signs, they finally found a particular sign marked, “Library.”

“The Library… Could this be it?” Delilah asked.

[Yes, this is the Secret Manuscript Shelves.]

“... is that so?”

As soon as the Demon Lord confirmed what she saw, Delilah stretched her toes, eagerly and strugglingly pulling the door handle. Moments later, seeing the inside of the Library, Delilah's shocking words trailed off. 

“This is unbelievably…”

[Haha, surprised? This is the Demon Lord’s…]

The Demon Lord swerved in the air, nodding proudly. 

“…not what I expected.”

[What did you say?]

Before the Demon Lord could finish his boast, Delilah had already stepped inside, shaking her head in disappointment at the sheer size. The Demon Lord watched in disbelief. 

“Doesn’t seem much different from the library in my village. You bragged about a collection this small?”

[Don’t be ridiculous! This is the Demon Realm, which has never allowed a single intrusion in its ten-thousand-year history…]

“Who said anything about its history when it closed its gate away from prying eyes, gramps? And how would you even know?” Delilah countered.


Pouting his lips, he turned his face away, acknowledging that the little girl was again on point.

“They say this Demon Lord’s vault was rebuilt after you died, right? Must’ve been ransacked because of the peace that reigned briefly.”

[Well… I get it. Don’t call me gramps.]

What? Right, the Demon Lord was trying to hide his embarrassment by noting something else. As Delilah sighed and shook her head, the Demon Lord, who had regained his composure and cleared his throat, continued speaking.

[As for why it was rebuilt, I can’t say. But during my lifetime, the Demon Lord’s library didn’t store a vast amount of manuscripts.]

As a ten-year-old girl with a childish side still intact, Delilah couldn’t understand why it was so. After all, “vast” means insurmountable enough knowledge could be learned, while “too little” means insufficient knowledge.

“I like more books than this.”

It was a childish response.

[No, it’s about the quality, not the quantity.] The Demon Lord huffed, clearly irritated by her response.

[The Demon Lord’s Library is different from the Common Library, which even regular demon warriors can enter with permission. Only those authorized by the Demon Lord and Supreme Strategist can enter here. Do you think we’d waste space on trivial manuscripts and items?]

“So, what you are saying is that all manuscripts and items are extraordinary?” Delilah asked.

[Precisely so. They’re worthy of being called the epitome of swordsmanship… at least, they were in my time.]

Particularly so, in his heyday, not present. Delilah briefly mused. However, she realized that his pride didn’t seem like empty boasting. Then, an influence slipped through her mind, and then it clicked. So, that’s what he means? That means even learning any of these manuscripts would make her strong enough to take on most opponents.

With a satisfied smile, Delilah walked over to the nearest shelf, but chills unexpectedly ran up her spine as the Demon Lord, grinning slyly, spoke again.

[Are you planning to grow your strength to escape this place?]

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Right, Delilah pretended. This gramps was sharper than she thought.

“How can I, a helpless imposter, escape the Demon Realm? What a joke.”

Delilah faked laughter awkwardly and childishly, waving her hand, but a drop of sweat trickled down her back, betraying her anxiety. Seeing this, the Demon Lord leaned against the wall, a pleased smile on his lips.

[Don’t be so surprised. Even if I won’t help you escape, I won’t stop you from learning swordsmanship. But…]

“But?” Delilah asked.

[To survive in the Demon Realm, you need to strive for greater power and influence. So, why not learn the true Demon Lord’s swordsmanship?]

“What do you mean by the true swordsmanship of the Demon Lord?”

[The Demonic Swordsmanship I mastered is passed down only to those who inherit the title of Demon Lord. For someone like you, it would be an unprecedented opportunity.]

The Demon Lord smiled confidently, sure that Delilah wouldn't refuse.

“Stop with the nonsense and help me escape, will you?”

[Nonsense… the gramps wouldn't help a brat like you. Hehe.]

He finally admitted he’s a gramps.

[No way…]