3. Call her Demoness…
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[Ho, ho… I see, you are scared? So you’re finally starting to grasp what I am?]

“...Nonsense, old man!” Delilah retorted, hiding her true feelings. Though she tried to sound indifferent, her back was already drenched in cold sweat. For just a moment, she imagined the sinister smile the Demon Lord would wear when probing about the high-ranking spirit within her—a look brimming with eerie madness.

That inhuman gaze made her entire body tense up without her realizing it. Watching Delilah with interest, the Demon Lord smiled and placed his hand on his chest ceremonially, showcasing his absolute elegance.

[Don’t worry too much. As you said, I’m just a Demon Lord from one thousand years ago, bound to you. How could I harm a ten-year-old girl?]

Silence filled the room as Delilah half-heartedly wondered why he was glowing so much.

[And more importantly… if I intended to harm you, why would I tell you all this?]

The Demon Lord’s innocent smile didn't match his title, which weighed heavily on both humans and monsters alike. Even demons, his kind, trembled before him. Delilah pondered. If he’s telling her all this, it might mean he has no way to harm her. But she mustn’t jinx it. She nodded inwardly. Or it means nothing changes even if she knows everything.

But either way, there’s only one path. Her fist clenched. Currently, there’s no way to get rid of the Demon Lord. To survive and escape, she needs this ancient demon’s help. Otherwise, her identity will be exposed, and she’ll not only end up dead but also eaten by the demons.

Realizing this, Delilah felt her muddled mind clear up as she unclenched her fist. She opened her mouth, “Hey, Gramps.”

[I told you not to call me that.]

Ignoring his usual nagging, Delilah continued. “I need a favor.”

[A favor? From me?]

The Demon Lord raised his eyebrows at the unexpected request. Delilah’s eyes gleamed with bold determination, quite unfamiliar for her age.

“Help me get out of here. I want freedom.”

A brief silence enveloped the room as a cool breeze fluttered through the interior. The Demon Lord tilted his head skeptically, folding his arms.

[Are you asking me to help you escape the Demon Realm?]

“Yes, exactly,” Delilah nodded, her response both carefree and cute.


At her confident response, the Demon Lord was momentarily at a loss for words, then spoke.

[Why should I?]

In other words, what benefit could persuade him to help her? Never mind a reason; those are trivial. Not something he wanted, but something he needed.

At this question, Delilah’s lips trembled. She knew, no, her gut told her he would ask that. After all, he is the Demon Lord. A being quite different from humans or monsters. In that case, she had the right answer.

“A new vessel!”


It was an enticing offer. A very amusing offer that he needed at the moment.

“If you get me out of here, I’ll find you a new vessel for your sacred soul, whether male, female, old, young, or even an infant.”

That’s all Delilah could think the ancient demon needed. From the earlier conversation, she learned two things about the Demon Lord. He was also on the run. Indeed, on the run from something ominous. He said his soul was separated from his body when he was about to die a thousand years ago. He also said his soul was forced into some kind of abyss. So, the summoning from the forbidden Lazarus spell was the only way he came out.

In simpler terms, he also wanted to be free.

Secondly, he needed a new body. And to make a new body, a ritual to sacrifice bodies to weaken the soul contained in the vessel, and a suitable soul to replace it. But both require extreme patience, hard work, and the technique of a forbidden spell. Since she witnessed the entirety of the process and the “Ancient Chant” as a test subject, she was sure it was not a big deal.

All in all, the bait of a new vessel she was offering was too tempting for such a desperate Demon Lord to resist… at least that was what she thought.

[I refuse.]

“Nice, well, let’s…” Her words trailed off as she blinked, “What?”

The Demon Lord’s crimson eyes opened slowly as he said, [I’m not interested in a new vessel or whatnot. I’ve already experienced a bountiful life of fulfilling my goals and ambitions before dying. So that would be quite boring with all that shenanigans. Hah!]

Wait, what? Delilah was puzzled as her body trembled. She spoke, “No… think it over. A new life might be different…”

[It won’t be any different. I’ve reached the peak of power, influence, wealth, and pleasure in my past life. Walking that path again would just lead to the same old retirement plan.]

Did this old gramp achieve enlightenment in death or perhaps hope to achieve immortality before death? Sensing Delilah’s shock and her determination and confidence crumbled, making her desperation to survive even a bit longer stirred, the Demon Lord sneered and continued.

[Observing this world beside you is satisfying enough. And you’re an interesting human with an otherworldly high-ranking soul I need to learn about daily. I don’t feel the need for anything new. So, no, I won’t help you.]


Delilah, quite flabbergasted and speechless—the Demon Lord read her emotion beneath her mask of indifference and continued. [Are you worried they’ll kill you? Don’t be. As I said, you’re interesting to me and I’m linked to your soul. I’ve never met anyone who treated me like you do, so I won’t let my descendants touch even a hair on you.] He reassured her with both elegance and confidence.

…So, just keep role-playing the Demon Lord, play the fool, and become the gramps’ plaything. She clenched her fists and ground her teeth inwardly. As a lady, she mustn’t show her emotions. Damn it. She cursed, hating to admit it, but she couldn’t reject the ancient demon’s words. Without her cooperation, death drawing even closer to the demons’ hands is certain.

She mustn’t let it happen. She mustn’t. Since the moment she encountered the mysterious high-ranking spirit, her life had been both cursed and blessed in the sense of surviving faster and smarter. And the Demon Lord, who lived his life without any regrets; there’s no way he’d end her life here.

“Alright, I understand.”

[Glad you do. If you adapt, this place isn’t all bad…]


It seemed Delilah had something to say.


“Keep your word!”

It was a vague answer from the ten-year-old girl.

[What do you mean?]

“You promised I wouldn’t die at their hands. Not a single hair would be harmed. Remember?” Delilah said with a sneer, implying that “Little kids don’t forget.”

[Oh, that…]

Silence pervaded the room as the Demon Lord couldn’t help but be speechless. He indirectly has to at least keep his promise of protecting his interesting tool, right?

[Hmph, fine. I’ll keep my word as the ninth and strongest Demon Lord in history. It’s not that complicated. And…]

The Demon Lord’s words trailed off as he gazed at Delilah's childish reaction.


[...Stop giggling at my response. Hmph.]

Despite Delilah’s determination to survive, the Demon Lord, who reluctantly agreed, had a faint smile at the thought that she was just a child with an adult mind.

On the other hand, Delilah, with that gramp's minimal assurance, inwardly gnashed her teeth. Right, there’s no point in hoping for help from the leader of these demons. However—

—for now, it’s enough.

Even if she doesn’t fully trust this gramp, just a bit of cooperation and someone to talk to will help her avoid the worst and remain sane in the predicaments she finds herself in. He is her only ally in this netherworld.

With that cleared up, her mind began to formulate short-term goals. Of course, she doesn’t know what that means, but she sensed it must be for her survival.

First, she needs to gain the demon higher-ups' trust and build her strength and influence, something she never thought she would have to do until now. Only then can she make the most of this opportunity to at least survive and have freedom in the future?

But where would she go if she finally escaped? Delilah wondered aimlessly for a while until she deemed it didn't matter until then. With that ambitious resolve, Delilah, now inadvertently the Demoness, faced another day.

— — — — —

After taking a calm bath and putting on male noble garb, Delilah stretched leisurely, welcoming the warm reddish sun streaming through the cathedral window. “Hah… this feels so good.”

Despite the ominous atmosphere typical of the demon realm, Delilah, who had spent so much time in darkness until recently, couldn't help but admire waking up to such bright crimson light—

—just how many years has it been? A year, two years, three years? Or perhaps four years, six months, and three days? The rest were unaccounted for. 

Savoring the newfound joy with a content smile, she heard a familiar gruff voice echo in her mind.

[You’ll never understand the value of sunlight until you die and come back to life.]

Relatable. Delilah nodded in agreement before she spoke. “By the way, can’t you tone down your voice in my mind and speak directly to my ears? Your voice booming in my head is unsettling.”

[How can you say such ungrateful things?] he replied sarcastically. [Conveying my voice directly to your mind is more convenient. You should be grateful this great one is even chatting with you.]

“Tsk, so full of yourself.” She clicked her tongue. “Don’t blame me if I ignore you.”

“No way, you can—”

As Delilah and Tai Walpurgis were having a fierce battle of words inwardly, a knock echoed twice from the door, startling them. A woman’s voice came from outside.

“My lady, breakfast is ready. What would you like to do?”

Contrary to the voice, the Demon Lord noticed several presences besides the owner of the voice. [... Quite a few, huh?]

Realizing what he meant, Delilah knew who they were. “Oh, right. It seems the attendants bring meals on time. What should I say befitting a demoness?” she muttered.

[Let them in…]

Right. As the Demon Lord said, Delilah cleared her throat. “Let them in!” She immediately gazed at the Demon Lord, questioning why he helped her even though he said he wouldn’t. He responded that it wasn’t helping, just him wanting to check what food they intended to serve her.

Tsundere. Delilah sighed at his unbelievable attitude.

With a loud clatter, several one-horned, stunning attendants with well-packed long hair in whitish-black maid’s attire entered, carrying a variety of dishes. As the luxurious wooden table filled with numerous dishes, a strong hunger began to stir.

As soon as the table was set, the attendants bowed. “If you need anything else, please call. We will take our leave now.”

Simply nodding without reply, Delilah gestured for them to leave.

“Pardon?” The attendants seemed to hesitate at the little girl’s cuteness, who sat down in front of the delicacies.

“Is there a problem?” Delilah's lisping voice cut through the air. Her now well-combed hair shimmered in the light. Her crimson eyes showed both authority and unfathomable cuteness.

Getting back to their senses as Delilah clapped, the attendants spoke. “N-no, nothing at all. We’ll be off then…”

The attendants hurriedly bowed and left, leaving Delilah half-heartedly puzzled.

“Did I do something wrong? Their eyes had circles!” she asked.

[Not really? They were just unbelievably bewitched by your beauty!]

“Is that so,” she smugly said, her pride and boastfulness suddenly peaking. “I told you I was pretty. They were falling for me.”

[I think you see wrong. It was all your imagination.]

Carefreely floating upside down toward the other side of the table, the Demon Lord mocked.


Look at this gramp, always spoiling the fun. Delilah pouted. What could she expect from an old man who never had any woman by his side? She bet on money whether he had any fetish.

“Forget it, let’s just eat.” Taking a spoonful of yellowish rice into her mouth, a curiosity arose in her mind about the floating Demon Lord. “Oh, do you need to eat?”

[No, but maybe lifeforce…]

“Never mind.”

Feeling slightly awkward, Delilah gobbled the food, not caring if the Demon Lord was around her.

“Well, they say the road to immortality is a thousand miles of steps of hardships. Let’s start with breakfast.”

[Hold on, as the Demoness, no talking while eating. Absolute elegance.]

After silencing Delilah, who later made a clunking sound between the plate and the spoon, the Demon Lord snapped.

[Elegance. Don’t make noise with the plate while eating. Absolute etiquette.]

Flinching slightly, Delilah, who had “Who cares” hanging over her head, threw away the spoon and began to use her hand, eating with great enthusiasm.

[Just who is this brat?] The Demon Lord's eyes bulged out in surprise. She is mysterious, alright.

— — — — — 

In a small, tidy room lit by phosphorescent pearls scattered in an unordered pattern, a cathedral window framed the view of the western pyramids and the crimson mountain range of the demon realm. Here, the Supreme Strategist, Gnornthail Maggdra, a core figure in the demon hierarchy, sat opposite the First Elder. More influential than the acting leader, Boam, Gnornthail was renowned as the smartest of all demons. They sipped magma tea, known for its nerve-calming effects, around a small, well-made table.

“How is the Tenth Demon Lord?” Gnornthail asked the First Elder.

“According to the attendants assigned to the sacred one, she had her bath and breakfast today.”

“Very nice. It seems her mood has quite changed.”

The acting leader chimed in, “Even I was stunned when the attendants reported that she seemed quite pleased with her meals.”

Nodding, the Supreme Strategist took a sip from his teacup. “Indeed. Tell the attendants to serve her without any issues. She must regain her strength quickly.”

The First Elder, who had yet to take another sip, spoke cautiously, “... Something has been bugging me lately.”

The acting leader, knowing what he meant, replied, “You mean—”

“Yes,” the First Elder gazed at the vapor rising from the red-blood-looking tea. “You know, from the ancient tale, the Tenth Demon Lord is known for cruelty and a desire for power, influence, and growth, right?”

“Yes, it was also written that he sought inner peace. That’s why he stopped the war between the three realms and made a peace pact,” the acting leader, Boam, noted.

“Then, doesn’t it seem strange? The person we saw in the Northern Dungeon seemed rather too ordinary…”

“Watch your words!” The Supreme Strategist, who was holding his teacup, snapped slightly, causing it to tremble.

Silence filled the room as the vapor from the three teas stirred in the air like clouds on a cloudy day.

The Supreme Strategist continued, “It’s also said that the Tenth Demon Lord’s temperament was unpredictable and couldn’t be judged by appearance. We’ve already angered her once. Do you wish to make more mistakes?”

Silenced by the Supreme Strategist’s stern rebuke, the First Elder bit his lower lip and bowed his head. “... I was too hasty.”

“... Hm—”

As the First Elder acknowledged his impatience, the Supreme Strategist put down his teacup after a few sips to calm his nerves and spoke in a whisper. Listening intently, the First Elder’s eyes widened in realization. He bowed and left quietly.

Even after the First Elder's footsteps faded, the Supreme Strategist kept his gaze on the teacup before him. He paid no attention to the acting leader, who startledly sipped his tea, enjoying the cool breeze from the window.

—Just don’t call her a Demon Lord.

He really hoped the First Elder listened.

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